Monday, November 4, 2013

The Tanzanian bug

2 months down the line and I feel part of this country! The people are amazing and you definitely get used to the chaos. 
Work wise it is smooth and we have managed to film great interviews and panoramas. 
This country really offers so much from the expat community, to the Beaches and Safaris but there is so much to discover that it seem like it would take a life time to see it all!
It has given me, even more of, the travel bug and it has made me want to discover more of Africa, like trekking to see the Gorillas or chilling in the Namibian desert or even going on a hunting adventure and maybe who knows going up Kilimanjaro with my Aussie Cousin Grant and UK cousin Rob!!
One of the highlights of my trip to Tanzania has to be our Safari adventure, from Lake Manyara to Ngorongo Crater. In lake Manayara we got taken hostage by an elephant while have sun downers, lucky us, our driver had parked in a way that we could still enjoy Gin and Tonics in the car. While at Ngorongor crater we witnessed 3 hippos chasing a Lions (see video) and a "near killing" of a Zebra, but it seemed that the Lion was too weak to keep it down, and of course the And Beyond group properties were breath taking see
Enjoy the movie, click here Tanzanian trip

1 comment:

  1. no pictures from Kunduchi on your disappointed hi hi hi
    Was great to meet you Louise, wish you all the best.
    Benoit....le Toulousain
